The Herr Lab acknowledges the generous support of the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, the NIH Biden Cancer Moonshot Program (NCI), the W.M. Keck Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the UC Discovery Program, Eli Lilly & Company, Bio-Rad Laboratories, NSF COINS, the Hellman Family, QB3 & the Rogers Family Foundation, DARPA, the NAE/Keck Futures Initiative, the Siebel Stem Cell Institute, the Siebel Scholars Program, Novartis, the US Department of Defense (Breast Cancer Research Program), the Blum Center for Developing Economies, the National Science Foundation (NSF, CBET), the National Institutes of Health (NIH, Office of the Director, the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies program at NCI, NIBIB, and NIGMS), the NIH Center for Future Technologies for Cancer Care (CFTCC at Boston University), the UC Cancer Research Coordinating Committee, UC Berkeley Biology Faculty Research Funds (BFRF), the Chau Hoi Shuen Foundation Women in Science Program, & the UC Berkeley Bakar Fellows program.