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- “How to Build the Virtual Cell with Artificial Intelligence: Priorities and Opportunities” co-authored with CZI colleagues is now available on
- Prof. Herr presents research talk at the 2024 Chicago BioEngineering Conference (CBEC) convened by the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Chicago.
- Prof. Herr delivers the Harry G. Day Lecture in the Department of Chemistry at Indiana University.
- Anna to present “Integrating scATAC-seq with imaging modalities via magnetic-based deterministic barcoding” and Trinh to present “scBlot-seq: A Multi-modal, same-cell assay for chromatin accessibility and protein immunoblotting” at MicroTAS 2024 in Montreal.
- Our study “ContactBlot: Microfluidic Control and Measurement of Cell-Cell Contact State to Assess Contact-Inhibited ERK Signaling” is just accepted to Analytical Chemistry. Congrats postdoc alumna Yizhe Zhang and team from University of Tokyo!
- Our Review paper entitled “Microfluidics for macrofluidics: addressing marine-ecosystem challenges in an era of climate change” was just accepted to the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Lab on a Chip. Congratulations Fangchen & Cyril!
- Additional congrats to Iyla for winning a 2-year PhD T32 Fellowship from the NIH Biology and Biotechnology of Cell and Gene Therapy (Berkeley Stem Cell Center & QB3).
- Congrats to new doctoral student Iyla Rossi for being awarded UC Berkeley’s prestigious Chancellor’s Fellowship for Graduate Study, a 1-year fellowship to recognize cumulative academic achievement and support achievement during early PhD studies. Great start, Iyla!
- Congratulations to doctoral student Maya for being recognized by the UC Berkeley/UCSF Bioengineering Graduate Program’s Service and DEIB Award for individuals “who go above and beyond to improve the program’s climate for current and future students”. Thank you, Maya.
- Our Liu & Herr paper entitled “DropBlot: single-cell western blotting of chemically fixed cancer cells” was just accepted to Nature Communications. Congratulations, Prof. Liu!
- Postdoctoral scholar Nazibul submits our manuscript with Prof. Yang Lui entitled “Electromigration of Charged Analytes Through Immiscible Fluids in Multiphasic Electrophoresis” for peer review.
- Professor Herr presents to the NASEM Board on Life Sciences regarding Competing Responsibilities of Life Sciences and Biotechnology Research and Development, and roles & responsibilities of alternative research organizations like the CZ Biohub Network.
- Congratulations to Maya for passing her Qualifying Exam in the joint Bioengineering program with UCSF.
- Just accepted to Analytical Chemistry: “Reducing Cathodic Drift during Isoelectric Focusing Using Microscale Immobilized pH Gradient Gels” co-authored with alumna Gabi Lomeli, Ph.D..
- Our study “Contact-Inhibited ERK Signaling is Determined by Cellular-Resolution Western Blotting” authored by postdoc alumna Yizhe Zhang, Ph.D. and collaborators at the University of Tokyo Prof. Isao Naguro and Hiroki Ryuno is posted to bioRxiv and submitted for peer review.
- Welcome to two postdoctoral scholars, Drs. Nazibul Islam from Texas A&M and Cyril Deroy from Oxford.
- Our study “DropBlot: single-cell western blotting of chemically fixed cancer cells” is posted on and submitted for peer review.
- The Herr Lab is awarded the Springer/Nature Test of Time Award 2023, and Amy presented an Award Plenary at the 2023 MicroTAS Conference in Katowice, Poland.
- Welcome to postdoctoral scholar Fangchen Liu, PhD who joins us in August 2023 after completing her PhD with Prof. Mingming Wu in Biological and Environmental Engineering at Cornell. Welcome Dr. Liu!
- Welcome to Tokyo Institute of Technology visiting MS student Kano Kajie, who is with us from Aug 2023 to Jan 2024.
- Congrats to Gabi Lomeli for completing her PhD! Stay tuned for her peer-reviewed paper to come out, as she starts as a Prism Postdoc at Stanford with Profs. Carolyn Bertozzi and Polly Fordyce.
- We have open postdoc positions at the Herr Lab, please apply here. Interviews are underway now for Winter 2023 start.
- Louise starts at a Postdoc at the Wyss Institute/Harvard with David Walt and Alden starts as an Assay Development Researcher at GenMark Diagnostics.
- Anna awarded a Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation to support her next 2 years of research. Congratulations, Anna!
- Amy starts as an Associate Editor at the journal Lab on a Chip.
- Amy appointed to the US Department of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, by White House approval.
- Alden and Louise are the newest Herr Lab PhD’s. Congrats!
- Congratulations Gabi, recognized as the Runner-Up Springer Nature Best Poster Award at the Hilton Head Workshop 2022.
- Welcome to postdoctoral scholar Trinh Lam, and Amgen summer 2022 scholar Aditi Patel.
- Doctoral student Yaw Ansong named a Brodie Scholar by UC Berkeley Bioengineering. Congrats, Yaw!
- The Bakar BioEnginuity Hub opens its doors for active and future founders at UC Berkeley! A stunning and a welcome addition to our vibrant campus startup ecosystem. (Berkeley News article | Daily Cal article). Over the last 4 years, Amy is proud to have served as the Founding Faculty Director.
- Gabi has been named a 2022 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor for her Fall 2021 teaching team contributions to BioE 192: Capstone Senior Design & Projects course.
- Congratulations to both Yang and Gabi for their poster presentations at the June 2022 Hilton Head Workshop.
- Amy assumes CTO role at the Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network, while continuing to direct the Herr Lab.
- Welcome to new postdoctoral scholar Anna Fomitcheva Khartchenko, Ph.D.!
- Welcome to Daniel Baron, Ph.D., a visiting scholar supported by the government of the Czech Republic, who will research with us until summer 2022.
- Congratulations to Dr. Mourdoukoutas on our just accepted technical note “Electrotransfer of immunoprobes through thin-layer polyacrylamide gels” at Analytical Chemistry.
- Yaw awarded 3-year CIRM Pre-doctoral Fellowship. Congrats, Yaw!
- Congratulations to Dr. Gopal for accepting a research scientist position at MIT in pandemic preparedness.
- MicroTAS 2021 — the first ‘post’ COVID and hybrid MicroTAS — concludes successfully in Palm Springs & virtual, co-chaired by Prof. Joel Voldman (MIT) and Prof. Herr.
- Our Electrophoresis paper entitled “Segmentation-based analysis of single-cell immunoblots” was named the “Best student paper (October)” by the journal. Congrats, Anjali!
- Our COVID research “Optical Attenuators Extend Dynamic Range but Alter Angular Response of Planar Ultraviolet-C Dosimeters” just accepted at Photochemistry and Photobiology. Congratulations Drs. Geldert, Su, and Grist!
- Alden is named a 2022 Siebel Scholar — congratulations!
- Congratulations to 2021 alumna Dr. Tan and our collaborators at Thermo Fisher for our paper accepted at Analyst, “Comparison of photoactivatable crosslinkers for in-gel immunoassays”.
- Our paper “Mapping of UV-C dose and SARS-CoV-2 viral inactivation across N95 respirators during decontamination” was accepted at Scientific Reports. Congratulations Alisha, Ali, Allison, Guillaume, Samantha, Sarah!
- Congratulations to Ana on acceptance of our paper “Programmed Cell Death Mechanism Analysis Using Same-Cell, Multi-mode DNA and Proteoform Electrophoresis” by ACS Measurement Science Au (a brand new ACS journal)!
- Our paper “Segmentation-Based Analysis of Single-cell Immunoblots” was accepted at Electrophoresis. Congratulations, Anjali!
- Congrats to Julea & Louise (co-first authors) and our collaborators in the Dillin and Huang labs for our paper “Measuring expression heterogeneity of single-cell cytoskeletal protein complexes” just accepted at Nature Communications!
- Congratulations to John, Ginny, & Stanford colleagues Wen and Mark on our just-accepted PLOS ONE paper “Single-cell immunoblotting resolves estrogen receptor-α isoforms in breast cancer”
- Congratulations to Andoni, recognized as an 2021 MSB Young Scientist Award – Oral Presentation, 3rd Place.
- Welcome to new postdoctoral scholars Yang Liu, PhD and Hyekyung Lee, PhD!
- Congratulations to our microTAS 2021 presenters Alden (poster), Gabi (poster), Ana (oral), and Louise (oral).
- Congratulations to Anjali, who was selected as an Ending Bioweapons Programs Fellow by the Council on Strategic Risks.
- Welcome to our 2021 BioESP summer undergraduate researchers Phoebe, Joseph, Karen, & Ari!
- Congratulations to Gabi for being named a UC Berkeley Lloyd Scholar and the Joint UC Berkeley – UCSF Bioengineering Service and DEIB Awardee.
- Congrats to Gabi on our paper “Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging Readout of Single-Cell Immunoblotting” just accepted at Analytical Chemistry with collaborators Marc Bosse, Sean Bendall, & Mike Angelo at Stanford!
- Our work on “Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from low starting cell numbers” was just accepted to Lab Chip. Congrats to Eli, Andrew, Ana, Alisha, Anjali, and Lin!
- Congratulations to Louise for being named a UC Berkeley 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor in recognition of teaching excellence in our senior Bioengineering Design & Capstone Course!
- PLOS ONE paper “Quantitative UV-C dose validation with photochromic indicators for informed N95 emergency decontamination” just accepted. Congrats Ali, Samantha, Alisha, & Anjali!!
- Congrats to Samantha & Andoni on our just accepted Nature Communications paper, “3D projection electrophoresis for single-cell immunoblotting”
- Just accepted! “Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from mouse preimplantation embryos” at Nature Protocols. Congrats, Eli & Alisha, and Andrew and Lin!
- June 2021 | Welcome to our 2021 BioESP summer undergraduate researchers Phoebe, Joseph, Karen, & Ari!
- May 2021 | Congratulations to Gabi for being named a UC Berkeley Lloyd Scholar and the Joint UC Berkeley – UCSF Bioengineering Service and DEIB Awardee.
- May 2021 | Congrats to Gabi on our paper “Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging Readout of Single-Cell Immunoblotting” just accepted at Analytical Chemistry with collaborators Marc Bosse, Sean Bendall, & Mike Angelo at Stanford!
- May 2021 | Our work on “Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from low starting cell numbers” was just accepted to Lab Chip. Congrats to Eli, Andrew, Ana, Alisha, Anjali, and Lin!
- April 2021 | Congratulations to Louise for being named a UC Berkeley 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor in recognition of teaching excellence in our senior Bioengineering Design & Capstone Course!
- April 2021 | Our SLAS Technology paper “Summit: automated analysis of arrayed single-cell gel electrophoresis” was just accepted. Congratulations to Julea & Kevin.
- March 2021 | PLOS ONE paper “Quantitative UV-C dose validation with photochromic indicators for informed N95 emergency decontamination” just accepted. Congrats Ali, Samantha, Alisha, & Anjali!!
- Congrats to Samantha & Andoni on our just accepted Nature Communications paper, “3D projection electrophoresis for single-cell immunoblotting”
- Just accepted! “Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from mouse preimplantation embryos” at Nature Protocols. Congrats, Eli & Alisha, and Andrew and Lin!
- Congratulations to Samantha, Alisha, Anjali, Ali, and Halleh for our review “Current Understanding of UV-C Decontamination of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators” at Applied Biosafety
- Congrats to Samantha for her “Biomicrofluidics – Best Paper Award” recognition at microTAS20
- Congratulations Alden, on our paper In-gel fluorescence detection by DNA polymerase elongation just accepted at APL Bioengineering — selected as a Featured Article by the Editor
- Two podium presentations at SLAS 2021! Congrats to Ana for her talk, and Gabi and our Stanford collaborators for her talk!
- Anjali & Ali are each named 2021 Siebel Scholars
- Amy named John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Professor
- Congrats to Andoni & Samantha on our paper on electrotransfer just accepted at Analytical Methods
- Congrats to Andoni & Samantha on our poster at the BMES 2020 annual meeting!
- Congrats to Julea on being selected one of 8 Burroughs Wellcome Careers at the Scientific Interface Fellows!
- PLOS ONE paper “Quantitative UV-C dose validation with photochromic indicators for informed N95 emergency decontamination” just accepted. Congrats Ali, Samantha, Alisha, & Anjali!!
- Congrats to Samantha & Andoni on our just accepted Nature Communications paper, “3D projection electrophoresis for single-cell immunoblotting”
- Just accepted! “Multimodal detection of protein isoforms and nucleic acids from mouse preimplantation embryos” at Nature Protocols. Congrats, Eli & Alisha, and Andrew and Lin!
- Congratulations to Samantha, Alisha, Anjali, Ali, and Halleh for our review “Current Understanding of UV-C Decontamination of N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirators” at Applied Biosafety
- Congrats to Samantha for her “Biomicrofluidics – Best Paper Award” recognition at microTAS20
- Congratulations Alden, on our paper In-gel fluorescence detection by DNA polymerase elongation just accepted at APL Bioengineering — selected as a Featured Article by the Editor
- Two podium presentations at SLAS 2021! Congrats to Ana for her talk, and Gabi and our Stanford collaborators for her talk!
- Anjali & Ali are each named 2021 Siebel Scholars
- Amy named John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Professor
- Congrats to Andoni & Samantha on our paper on electrotransfer just accepted at Analytical Methods
- Congrats to Andoni & Samantha on our poster at the BMES 2020 annual meeting!
- Congrats to Julea on being selected one of 8 Burroughs Wellcome Careers at the Scientific Interface Fellows!
- Sep 2020 | Congrats to Hector & Shaheen on our Advanced Functional Materials paper “Reversible functionalization of clickable polyacrylamide gels with protein & graft copolymers”.
- Sep 2020 | Congrats to undergraduate alumna Lauryn’s acceptance into UC Berkeley Haas’ accelerated acceptance MBA.
- Sep 2020 | Congrats to Eli, Alisha, and colleagues from the He Lab on our Science Advances paper regarding pre-implantation murine embryo development.
- Aug 2020 | Congrats to Kristine on our Analyst paper regarding Ferguson analysis of endogenous proteins from single cells!
- Aug 2020 | Congrats to Samantha, Julea, Ana, Gabi and their co-authors on first-author poster presentations at the upcoming microTAS 2020 virtual conference!
- Aug 2020 | Congrats to Alden (short talk), Alisha (poster), & co-authors on selection for the EMBL (virtual) Microfluidics meeting.
- Jul 2020 | Louise named Berkeley Lloyd Scholar. Alden named Berkeley Lewis Scholar. Gabi named Berkeley Brodie Scholar. Congratulations x3!!
- June 2020 | Read Gabi’s interview of the Herr lab scientists using decontamination to tackle COVID-19’s PPE shortage
- Jun 2020 | Congrats to Alisha & Haiyan on our Scientific Reports paper “Probe-target hybridization depends on spatial uniformity of initial concentration condition across large-format chips”.
- May 2020 | Samantha selected to attend Lindau Nobel Laureates meeting.
- May 2020 | Congrats to Dr. Jeeawoody for submitting her dissertation & presenting her exit seminar!
- Feb 2020 | Congrats to Shaheen, Kevin, & Ali on our Analytical Chemistry paper on laterally aggregated hydrogels as ideal substrates for immunoprobed IEF.
- Jan 2020 | Congrats to Ali & our collaborator Ben Smith on our new Analytical Chemistry paper on aberration-corrected confocal measurements of partition coefficients in open hydrogels.
- Nov 2019 | Congratulations to Burcu on our Lab Chip paper “Separations-encoded microparticles for single-cell western blotting”!
- Nov 2019 | Louise & Alden pass each of their BioE qualifying exams!!
- Oct 2019 | Anjali’s poster presentation lauded with 3rd place @ Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies SciX meeting in Palm Springs.
- Sept 2019 | Congrats Anjali our new paper in Scientific Reports
- Aug 2019 | Herr honored by 2019 Faculty Award for Excellence in Postdoctoral Mentoring from UC Berkeley
- Aug 2019 | Herr named to The National Advisory Council for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
- Jul 2019 | Congrats Yizhe, Alden, and Kristine on our News & Views in Nature Biomedical Engineering
- Jun 2019 | Louise elected co-chair of the 2021 GRS on “The Physics & Chemistry of Microfluidics”
- May 2019 | Congrats to Yizhe & Isao on our paper on in-situ cell culture in Angewendte Chemie
- May 2019 | Congrats to Lauryn & Hector on our top poster award at the College of Engineering Undergraduate Research Symposium
- May 2019 | Welcome to the Herr Lab for your PhD dissertation studies, Gabi & Ana
- Apr 2019 | Our study on protein diffusion from microwells with contrasting hydrogel domains just accepted at APL Bioengineering — congrats to Elaine & Shaheen!
- Mar 2019 | Alden presents a poster on polymerase elongation of DNA as a sensitive readout for single-cell immunoblotting MSB2019 in Oregon
- Mar 2019 | Herr to participate in NIH’s Provocative Questions workshop in Jan 2019
- Feb 2019 | Congrats to Dr. Su for starting her new position @ Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, to Dr. Rosas for starting at Illumina, and Dr. Kim for starting at Berkeley Lights!
- Feb 2019 | Congrats to Qiong & Kevin on our study of injection dispersion and single-cell electrophoresis from microwell structures in Analytical Chemistry.
- Feb 2019 | Congrats to Peggy, John, Julea, & Alisha on our quantized (bead) protein electrophoresis ladders for EP cytometry Small.
- Dec 2018 | Congrats to Elly & Eli on publication of our study “Single-cell mobility shift electrophoresis reports protein localization to the cell membrane” in a special issue of Analyst.
- Dec 2018 | Congrats to Burcu & co-authors for selection of our work as an Oral Presentation at microTAS 2018!
- Dec 2018 | Samantha selected for JHU “Rising Stars” workshop.
- Nov 2018 | Congratulations to Anjali on being named a UC Berkeley Lewis Scholar!
- May 2018 | Julea, Elaine, John, Eli, & Hector are hooded at the 2018 UC Berkeley commencement. Congrats to Julea, Eli, and John on successful exit seminars.
- May 2018 | Our study “Mouse-to-mouse variation in maturation heterogeneity of smooth muscle cells” is accepted at Lab Chip. Congrats Eli & collaborators in the Song Li lab
- Apr 2018 | npj Precision Oncology publishes our work on resolving erbB2 forms in breast cancer tumors. Congrats, Ginny & team in the Huang & Pegram labs
- Apr 2018 | Our study on arrays of pH gradients is accepted to Electrophoresis. Congratulations Augusto & Kevin.
- Mar 2018 | Our research on functional hydrogels for DNA capture/release is published in Angewandte Chemie. Congratulations Yizhe & Peggy.
- Mar 2018 | Lab Chip publishes our cell motility & signaling study. Congrats all including collaborators in the Kumar Lab.
- Feb 2018 | Our study on microwell geometry and single-cell separations performance is published in Analytica Chimica Acta.
- Jan 2018 | We have a poster at the upcoming 2018 Biophysical Society meeting with Julea & co-authors in the Dillin Lab.
- Oct 2017 | Analytical Chemistry accepts our study of Joule heating-induced dispersion in open microfluidic devices. Congrats Julea.
- Jun 2017 | Our paper on electrophoretic cytometry of adherent cells just accepted in Lab Chip. Congrats Elaine.
- Aug 2017 | Congratulations to Hector, John, and co-authors on 2nd & 3rd place posters at our annual Graduate Program retreat
- Jul 2017 | Our paper on measuring enzyme kinetics in arrays of porous gels accepted in Anal Chem. Congrats Hector.
- Jun 2017 | Fabrication protocol for PA gels in PDMS-glass “open” devices accepted in Anal Chem. Congrats to Philippe, Kevin, & Rachel on our paper.
- May 2017 | Eli named Seibel Scholar. Congrats, Eli!
- May 2017 | Welcome to our newest graduate student members: Ali, Kristine, Alisha & Andoni
- May 2017 | Congratulations, Dr. Kevin Yamauchi (who starts at the CZ Biohub in July)and Dr. Qiong Pan!
- Apr 2017 | Herr named 1 of 16 Defense Science Study Group faculty
- Mar 2017 | Julea named the sole SLAS Fellow for this year!
- Mar 2017 | Herr named among inagural class of Chan Zuckerberg (CZ) Biohub Investigators
- Mar 2017 | Just accepted in Nat Comm: protein cytometry in circulating tumor cells with Vortex Biosciences, the Huang & Jeffrey Labs. Congrats Elly & co-authors!
- Feb 2017 | We just published a Lab Chip article on a lab-on-a-disc single-cell protoemics platform for diagnostics. Congrats John & Elly!
- Feb 2017 | Congratulations to Peter, Labcyte colleagues & UCSF Recombinant Antibody Network on our high-througput assay for determination of equilibrium dissociation constants for recombinant antibodies, accepted at Scientific Reports
- Jan 2017 | Our paper on “Subcellular western blotting of single cells” just accepted to Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Nature Publishing Group). Congrats, Kevin!
- Dec 2016 | Hector to give oral presentation at Conference of Ford Fellows in DC
- Nov 2016 | Herr Lab alumna Dr. Kelly Gardner named to MIT Technology Review‘s “Top 35, Under 35”.
- Nov 2016 | Our first report of resolving proteins having single-charge unit differences in individual cells was just accepted at Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed., congrats co-1st-authors Augusto & Kevin
- Nov 2016 | Eli awarded 3rd place poster recognition at the AIChE/American Electrophoresis Symposium in SF
- Oct 2016 | Qiong wins 1st place poster award at UC Berkeley/UCSF BioE Graduate Group retreat
- Oct 2016 | Julea recognized with 3rd place poster award at UC Berkeley/UCSF BioE Graduate Group retreat
- Oct 2016 | Our protocol on single-cell western blotting just published in Nature Protocols, congrats Ginny & co-authors Download PDF
- Oct 2016 | Kevin to give oral presentation at MicroTAS 2016 in Dublin
- Sept 2016 | Shaheen and Elaine to each give talks at AIChE/AES and Eli will present a poster at this 2016 symposium!
- Sept 2016 | Qiong presents our poster, which was awarded the 2nd Place Agilent Technologies Best Poster Award at HPLC 2016 in SF
- Sept 2016 | Herr honored with Mid-Career Achievement Award from the American Electrophoresis Society. Award symposium to be held at SciX2016
- August 2016 | Hector & Kevin to give talks & Qiong to give poster on our research at the HPLC Liquid-Phase Separations Meeting
- July 2016 | John to give oral presentation on our work at the 2016 Hilton Head Workshop
- July 2016 | Julea selected for UC Berkeley Graduate Division’s selective “Summer Institue for Preparing Future Faculty”
- June 2016 | Kevin & Shaheen each to present at the Berkeley Stem Cell Center 2016 retreat
- May 2016 | Kevin & Shaheen each to present at the Berkeley Stem Cell Center 2016 retreat
- May 2016 | Ginny to present our poster at AACR meeting with Pegram lab, as a AACR-AbbVie Scholar-in-Training Awardee
- May 2016 | John named Kang Family Fellow from UC Berkeley
- Apr 2016 | Herr lab research led by Qiong supported by Chau Hoi Shuen Foundation Women in Science Program
- Apr 2016 | Kapil & co-authors publish in Analytical Chemistry on controlling reactions using electrophoresis & chip geometry
- Mar 2016 | Both Eli & Hector pass their Qualifying Exams!
- Mar 2016 | Herr named Mary Shepard B. Upson Visiting Professor at Cornell
- Feb 2016 | Herr to present our research at NIH High Risk, High Reward Symposium
- Feb 2016 | Vlassakis & Herr publish on effect of polymer hydration state on in-gel immunoassays in Analytical Chemistry
- Jan 2016 | The Herr Lab are Featured Innovators & guests of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group at the opening of the west coast USPTO!
- Jan 2016 | Our Advanced Materials paper on single-cell analysis with pore-gradient gels was just accepted
- Dec 2015 | Dr. Sinkala accepts staff position at the engineering consulting firm Exponent. Congrats, Elly!
- Nov 2015 | Ginny, Todd, Elly & our collaborators in the Pegram Lab have an oral presentation at microTAS 2015. Herr will also give a Keynote.
- Nov 2015 | Our invited review at Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology was just accepted
- Nov 2015 | Congrats to Peter & our Hammond Lab collaborators on our RNA Biology paper “A Minimalist Biosensor: Quantitation of Cyclic Di-GMP Using Conformational Change of a Riboswitch”
- Oct 2015 | Hector presents poster at annual Ford Foundation Fellows meeting
- Jun 2015 | Congratulations to Julea on being elected 2017 GRS co-chair!
- Jun 2015 | Congrats to Dr. Tentori, Dr. Kapil & Dr. Duncombe!
- Jun 2015 | Hector awarded Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship
- Jun 2015 | Kevin, Elly & Amy to co-instruct @ the CSHL ‘Single Cell Analysis’ summer course
- Jun 2015 | Julea to give oral presentation at the Microfluidics GRS
- Jun 2015 | Eli & Julea each to present posters at the Microfluidics GRC
- April 2015 | Herr promoted to Full Professor
- April 2015 | John passes his BioE qualifying exam. Congrats, John!
- Mar 2015 | Peter named 2015 UC Berkeley Kang Fellow in Biotechnology
- Feb 2015 | Kevin named a 2015 UC Berkeley Outstanding GSI (top 9% of all UC Berkeley GSIs)
- Feb 2015 | Our paper “A lateral electrophoretic flow diagnostic assay” is accepted in Lab Chip. Congrats Rob, Rachel, Hector & our collaborators in the Fletcher Lab!
- Jan 2015 | Rachel completes her exit seminar & submits her dissertation. Congrats, Dr. Gerver!
- Dec 2014| Rachel accepts Stanford Biodesign Fellowship for 2015-16. Congratulations, Rachel!
- Dec 2014 | Eli awarded a 2015 CIRM Predoctoral Fellowship. Congrats, Eli!
- Nov 2014 | Eli awarded 1st Place Poster Award at the 30th Annual UC Berkeley/UCSF BioE Conference
- Oct 2015| Herr to co-direct CSHL ‘Single Cell Analysis’ course in June 2015
- Oct 2014 | Congrats to Rachel on our Analytical Chemistry article on low-molecular-mass μWesterns!
- Oct 2014 | Congrats to Peter, Todd & collaborators in the Hammond Lab on our Analytical Chemistry article on high-throughput riboswitch EMSAs!
- Sept 2014 | Congrats to Ginny, Zhuchen & collaborators in the Kumar Lab on our Analytical Chemistry article regarding single-cell chemotherapeutic response.
- Sept 2014 | Congrats to Eli on receiving a La Caixa Fellowship for graduate study in North America
- July 2014| Our recent Nat Methods article is ranked “Most Read”
- July 2014 | Herr named Lloyd Distinguished Professor at UC Berkeley.
- June 2014 | Kevin to give oral presentation at microTAS 2014.
- June 2014 | Elly to give poster with Jeffrey Lab at microTAS 2014
- June 2014 | Peter M. named Stem Cell Research Fellow for summer 2014.
- May 2014 | Kevin passes his qualifying exam!
- May 2014 | Congrats to Alex, Zhuchen, Ginny & our Schaffer Lab co-authors on our Nature Methods article on single-cell western blotting
- May 2014 | Monica receives UC Dissertation-Year Fellowship
- May 2014 | Kevin accepted into the CSHL summer workshop on single cell analysis
- May 2014 | Herr elected Fellow in AIMBE
- April 2014 | Rachel conducts needs-finding in Kenya on a ‘Development Impact Labs (DIL)’ travel grant
- April 2014 | Both Augusto & Todd are accepted into the NSF East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)
- March 2014 | Julea passes her qualifying exam!
- March 2014 | Herr to give Dean’s Lecture at University of Tokyo in July
- March 2014 | Rob, Rachel, & our colleagues in the Fletcher lab to give oral presenation at Hilton Head Workshop
- March 2014 | Peter, Todd & our colleagues in the Hammond Lab to present a poster at Hilton Head Workshop
- April 2014 | Julea selected to attend Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany in June
- Mar 2014 |Paper on IEF mobilization & performance losses accepted at Electrophoresis. Congrats, Augusto!
- Mar 2014 | Monica’s accepted paper in Analytical Chemistry reports on our binding kinetic rate measurements. Kudos, Monica!
- Mar 2013 | Congrats to Peter P. & Kelly on our invited review at Electrophoresis!
- Mar 2014 | Herr elected Fellow in AIMBE
- Nov 2013 | Augusto’s presentation gets our poster recognized as “1st Place” at the American Electrophoresis Society Symposium at AIChE. Way to go!
- Nov 2013 | Peter, Todd + our co-authors in the Hammond Lab are awarded “2nd Place Poster” at the American Electrophoresis Society Symposium at AIChE. Congrats!
- Sept 2013 | Cameron + co-authors awarded “Best Poster” by the SRC Education Alliance at Techcon 2013 in Austin. Nice job!
- Sept 2013 | Augusto named 2014 Siebel Scholar. Congrats!
- Oct 2013 | Kudos to Alex & our collaborators in the Schaffer lab on our oral presentation at 2013 uTAS conference, a 9% accept rate.
- Oct 2013 | Congrats to Kursad, Kwasi, & Cleo (Novartis) on our Lab Chip article on electrokinetic patterning of a HCV ‘barcode’ assay
- Oct 2013 | Congrats to Minsub & Dohyun on our new Analytical Chemistry paper on charge-patterning of PA gels for SDS-protein immobilization
- Sept 2013 | We publish a new review on protein immobilization in Biomicrofluidics
- Sept 2013 | Herr publishes invited Perspective on Design in Analytical Chemistry in Analytical Chemistry
- Sept 2013 | Congrts to Kursad & Augusto on our new review of multiplexed measurements in J Lab Autom
- Sept 2013 | Two oral presentations at BMES2013 — congrats to Monica, Peter, & our co-authors!
- July 2013 | Senior Capstone Design projects from Herr’s BioE 192 course funded at $100k and featured in Innovations.
- June 2013 | Tentori, Hughes & Herr publish on microchamber 2DE in Anal Chem.
- June 2013 | Herr appointed Standing Member of NIH ‘Nanotechnology’ Study Section (2013-2019).
- June 2013 | Herr appointed to Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS) Board.
- May 2013 | Congrats to Dr. (Karns) Gardner & Dr. Hughes, our newest Herr Lab Ph.D.’s.
- May 2013 | Welcome new graduate student lab members Julea & Kevin!
- May 2013 | Monica named Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program Awardee.
- May 2013 | Congrats to Peter on passing his qualifying exam!
- May 2013 | Todd publishes our work on “chip-less” electrophoresis in Lab Chip.
- April 2013 | Cameron to present SRC/Intel Scholar undergrad research at TECHCON in Austin.
- April 2013 | Welcome new postdoctoral scholars Elly & Ginny!
- April 2013 | Herr & BioE Capstone team to present at Dean’s Society ‘Tech Innovation @ Berkeley’ event
- April 2013 | Augusto to give podium presentation at Gordon Research Seminar on Microfluidics.
- April 2013 | Kwasi & Sam spin out Herr Lab technology @ CITRIS Foundry
- March 2013 | Kelly & our collaborators from the Ming Hammond lab publish in JACS.
- March 2013 | Kwasi, Martina & Ivan El-Sayed (UCSF) publish our work in J Proteome Res.
- Feb 2013 | Congrats to Sam and our Danica Chen Lab collaborators on our 2013 Anal Chem paper!
- Feb 2013 | Karns named 2013 Kauffman Fellow. Congrats, Kelly!
- Dec 2012 | Kursad & co-authors’ work named a Top Poster at IEEE EMBS MNM 2013. Congrats!
- Dec 2012 | Congrats to Alex on our paper in PNAS!
- Dec 2012 | Congrats to Alex & Augusto on our paper in JACS!
- Dec 2013| Congrats to Chenlu on our paper in Analyst!
- Dec 2012 | Congrats to Todd on our paper in Analytical Chemistry!
- Dec 2012 | Herr to give Thiele Lecture at Notre Dame Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering.
- Dec 2012 | Kursad & Alex to each present posters at IEEE EMBS MNM ’13.
- Nov 2012 | Congrats to Sasha & Kelly on our paper in Analyst!
- Nov 2012 | Herr to speak at 8th NIH Pioneer Symposium.
- Nov 2012 | Augusto named 2012 CRCC Predoctoral Fellow.
- Oct 2012 | Herr named 2012 Bakar Fellow.
- Oct 2012 | Herr Lab to give 2 talks at microTAS12. Congrats Todd, Alex & co-authors!
- Sept 2012 | Dohyun accepts faculty position at Myongji University, Korea. Congrats!
- Sept 2012 | Herr named 2012 Analytical Chemistry “Young Innovator”.
- Aug 2012 | Rob named 2012 Siebel Postdoc Fellow.
- Aug 2012 | Sam selected for ‘Engineering Engineering Education’ Workshop at Bucknell.
- July 2012 | Alex named 2012 Siebel Scholar.
- Jul 2012 | Herr promoted to Associate Professor (with tenure).
- Jun 2012 | Augusto named 2012 Cancer Research Coordinaging Committee (CRCC) Predoctoral Fellow.
- Jun 2012 | Herr named 2012 Bakar Fellow.
- Jun 2012 | Herr Lab to give 2 talks at microTAS12. Congrats Todd, Alex & co-authors!
- Jun 2012 | Dohyun accepts faculty position at Myongji University, Korea. Congrats!
- Jun 2012 | Herr named 2012 Analytical Chemsistry “Young Innovator”.
- Jun 2012 | Rob named 2012 Siebel Postdoc Fellow.
- May 2012 | Sam selected for ‘Engineering Engineering Education’ Workshop at Bucknell.
- May 2012 | Sasha starts Ph.D. study at Stanford in fall. Congrats!
- May 2012 | Herr named 2012 ‘Outstanding BioE Instructor’ by BioEHS
- May 2012 | Alex selected for CSHL Single Cell Analysis workshop
- Apr 2012 | Sasha receives NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
- Apr 2012 | Congrats to Todd on passing his qualifying exam!
- Apr 2012 | Congrats to Alex, Rob & co-authors on our PNAS paper!
- Mar 2012 | Todd to present oral and Augusto to present poster at Hilton Head
- Mar 2012 | Herr honored with 2012 Ellen Weaver Award from AWIS
- Feb 2012 | Congrats to Dohyun & co-authors on our Analytical Chemistry paper
- Dec 2011 | Congrats Dr. Kwasi Apori, on filing your thesis!
- Nov 2011 | Congrats to Mei & our co-authors on our JACS paper
- Nov 2011 | Herr appointed to editorial board of journal Electrophoresis
- Nov 2011 | The Herr lab to present poster at IEEE MEMS 2012
- Oct 2011 | Kwasi awarded Widmer Poster Award at microTAS 2011
- Sep 2011 | Alex awarded travel grant to microTAS 2011
- Sep 2011 | Congratulations to Kelly on our Analytical Chemistry article!
- Aug 2011 | Congrats to Augusto on passing his qualifying exam
- Aug 2011 | Congrats to Xiaofang, Monica & Alex on our Analytical Chemistry article!
- Jul 2011 | The Herr lab to present 2 orals & 2 posters at microTAS 2011 (8% acceptance rate for orals)
- Jul 2011 | Kelly recognized as Finalist for top poster at GRC
- Jun 2011 | Four posters at the microfluidics GRC: Alex, Kelly, Augusto, & Sam
- Jun 2011 | Kelly & Sam to each speak at GRS, with Augusto as a session moderator
- May 2011 | Congratulations on filing your thesis, Dr. Chenlu Hou!
- May 2011 | Congrats to Kwasi on our 1st place poster award at MSB 2011
- Apr 2011 | Congrats to Sam, Mei, Dohyun on our Analytical Chemistry article! Congrats to Augusto on our JMM review!
- Mar 2011 | Herr receives NSF CAREER award
- Mar 2011 | Congratulations to Kwasi on our Analytical Chemistry article!
- Feb 2011 | Sasha to present poster at ACS National Meeting. Kelly awarded travel grant for Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) poster
- Feb 2011 | Kelly awarded 1st Place in the Academic Poster competition at LabAutomation 2011
- Dec 2010 | Herr awarded the 2010 Eli Lilly and Company Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry
- Dec 2010 | Kelly to speak in special session at LabAutomation 2011Oct 2010 | Dohyun to speak at IEEE MEMS 2011. Mei to present at Pittcon 2011.
- Aug 2010 | Herr awarded NIH New Innovator Award
- Aug 2010 | Congratulations to Mei on our Nature Protocols article!
- Jun 2010 | Kelly to present poster at Bay Area Vision Science Research Day.
- Jun 2010 | Sam & Kwasi to speak at uTAS ’10.
- May 2010 | Alex to speak at Pacifichem 2010.
- May 2010 | Herr & Pruitt serve as JMM Special Issue guest editors.
- Apr 2010 | Kwasi named a 2010 UNCF/Merck Dissertation Fellow. Congrats!
- Mar 2010 | Congratulations to both Alex & Chenlu on our two Analytical Chemistry papers.
- Feb 2010 | Herr named 2010 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow in Chemistry.
- Feb 2010 | Congratulations to Mei on our JACS article!
- Feb 2010 | Chenlu invited to attend the Landau Nobel Laureates Meeting in June 2010.
- Jan 2010 | Keck Foundation funds the Herr, Conboy, and Sohn Labs in their Biomedical Research Program.
- Oct 2010 | Congratulations to Mei her article in Analytical Chemistry!
- Sept 2009 | Kelly receives the 2nd place poster award at the UCSF/UC Berkeley JGGB annual retreat. Congratulations!
- Sept 2009 | Herr is awarded one of 35 “Young Faculty Awards” by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
- Aug 2009 | Herr is awarded the Hellman Family Faculty Award at UC Berkeley.
- Jul 2008 | Congratulations to postdoctoral scholar Dr. Mei He on her oral presentation at uTAS 2009 in Jeju, South Korea (a 6% acceptance rate for talks!).
- Apr 2008 | Congratulations to new graduate students on fellowships: Kelly for receiving a NSF GRF and to Alex for receiving a DoD NDSEG.
- Jul 2008 | Lo et al Lab Chip 2008 is a “2008 Hot Article” at Lab on a Chip.
- Jul 2008 | Congratulations to Sam on his invited review article at Lab Chip.
- Jul 2008 | Congratulations to Chenlu for passing her EECS qualifying exam & acceptance of her work as an oral presentation at Transducers (!
- Jul 2008 | Herr appointed to Analytical Chemistry “News & Features” (A-page) Advisory panel
- Jul 2008 | As one of 30 researchers selected to participate in the 1st Point-of-Care Global Health Diagnostics, Prof. Herr participates in a new program sponsored by the PATH Foundation at the University of Washington.
- Jul 2008 | Prof. Herr named Regents’ Junior Faculty Fellow for 2008-2009.
- Jul 2008 | Lab Chip article published on Advanced Articles site. Contribution highlighted in RSC Chemical Biology news service and as inside cover art. Congratulations co-authors Lo, Throckmorton, Singh, and Herr!
- Jul 2008 | Prof. Herr named Presidential Chair Faculty Fellow for 2008-2009.
- Jul 2008 | Apori, Herr abstract to be presented as one of 66 oral presentations at the 2008 microTAS conference.
- May 2008 |Kwasi passes his qualifying exam. Congratulations!
- Apr 2008 | Critical review article co-authored by Chenlu and Prof. Herr to appear in Electrophoresis.
- Apr 2008 | Herr one of 6 new members named to the microTAS Technical Program Committee for a 4-year tenure (2008-2012).